Mehling & Wiesmann
Sägewerk-Holzgroßhandlung-Furnierwerk GmbH

Mehling & Wiesmann
Sägewerk-Holzgroßhandlung-Furnierwerk GmbH
Partensteiner Strasse 2
97816 Lohr am Main
Tel.: +49 (0) 9352 8793-0
Fax: +49 (0) 9352 8793-11
E-Mail: info@mehling-wiesmann.de
Internet: mehling-wiesmann.de
Mehling & Wiesmann
For generations, Mehling & Wiesmann has been a family–run veneer and sawmill in the middle of the Spessart region. We buy our woods in local forests from sustainable forestry, produce locally and closely observe the trends in the construction and furniture industry. We respond to this with a wide variety of wood finishing techniques. With brands such as chocowood and TrüffelBUCHE we have been able to make a name for ourselves worldwide. With us you get wood products for high–quality and individual interior and furniture finishing – from one source, from domestic forests and 100 percent made in Germany! We are PEFC and FSC certified.Only our best logs are processed into veneers. Each veneer sheet is unique and shows a piece of beautiful nature. Carpenters, architects and other wood lovers use the thin wood leaves creatively in furniture construction.
Smoked oak is one of Mehling & Wiesmann's classics. Our huge stock of first–class smoked woods is unparalleled. The chocolate brown to almost black surface color of smoked oak suits many different projects – whether in furniture construction or high–quality interior finishing. Due to different tannic acid contents in the wood, enchanting, timelessly beautiful light and shadow effects are created. If the wood is not fully kerned, visible light sapwood zones will appear even after smoking. These are characteristic of European oak and give smoked oak a distinctive natural patina.
Our wood species include:
Maple smoked, Ahron with heartwood
Smoked acacia
Smoked oak, red oak, oak Silver Edition
Smoked wild service tree
Eucalyptus smoked
Golden Cherry
Hornbeam Silver Edition
Chestnut smoked
Cherry smoked
Larch smoked
Truffle beech
Smoked sycamore
We also offer rough sawn veneers, end grain, retrowood, split wood, table tops, lumber and edging.