Paper „ Wood-based materials - a sustainable foundation for veneer panels“
Guide "Veneer in Interior Construction"
This information leaflet, “Veneer in Interior Constructi- on, Definition, Properties, Processing and Applications”, provides basic knowledge about veneer. The handbook is primarily aimed at trainees in the carpentry and joi- nery trades, apprentices in the furniture industry and students of interior design, architecture and civil engi- neering. It is also aimed at professionals in the afore- mentioned occupational groups and decision-makers in interior design and construction projects. The expertise is provided by the Chair of Wood and Fiber Materials Technology at the Technical University of Dresden and the Institute for Wood Technology, Dresden. The only re- gistered veneer association in Europe, the Initiative Fur- nier + Natur (IFN), is responsible for the preparation and publication of this handbook. The objective of this leaf- let is to work together to ensure that veneer becomes a substitute for other, unecological materials.
The manual can be downloaded in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish.
The Australian Veneer Association
We aim to foster increased awareness of timber veneer's features and benefits. Our role is also to educate and inform members about issues critical to the industry.

The Canadian Veneer Association
Established in 1959, the Canadian Hardwood Plywood and Veneer Association (CHPVA) is a corporation registered under the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act and is governed by an elected board of directors.
The forest's best friend: The wood veneer industry
The IFN has compiled a strategic position paper with core requirements of the association on forestry, forest conservation and wood use. The paper also provides many background information, facts and information on the economic situation of the veneer industry.
It is also a political statement with which the veneer industry wants to enter into dialogue for the first time in its history with state and federal politics, but also with environmental NGOs. And to start with: It's an ecologically oriented statement for the protection of our forests.