
Best wood for great sounds:
J. u. A. Frischeis has supplied the Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra with fine veneer

Bonn/Pazova. The visual appearance and the spatial sound inspire not only confirmed music lovers: J. u. A. Frischeis (JAF) has supplied around 10,000 square meters of the best veneer for the design of the Macedonian Philharmonic Hall in Skopje. The result achieved by the craftsmen can be seen and heard: Against a breathtaking backdrop of American cherry veneer, the masterpieces presented by the artists are doubly impressive.

The Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra in Skopje is a real force in the diverse cultural landscape of the Balkans. Since its rebuilding, the renowned house has also had much to offer lovers of the best of the tree: With great craftsmanship, sheets of veneer between 0.6 and 0.9 mm thin were processed in this breathtaking setting and now set an example for the radiance of noble veneer. STRABAG AG played a leading role in the construction and interior design of the Philharmonie. It was assisted in the project during the construction process by the JAF branch in Nova Pazova in Serbia. "Fine veneer and great craftsmanship are of course particularly convincing here with a successful symphony. Our colleagues at JAF Serbia were able to provide targeted support for the project - thanks to our large selection of veneers and extensive experience in handling this material," says JAF product manager Klaus Mittmasser enthusiastically.

The Philharmonic Orchestra of Northern Macedonia has been unique in the region for over seven decades. It will create unforgettable moments with outstanding conductors in the coming season. In addition to the wide repertoire of classical music, world premieres of works by contemporary composers and works by Macedonian music creators, the new sense of space and clear acoustics will contribute to a unique concert experience. (DS)

Initiative Furnier + Natur (IFN)
The Initiative Veneer + Nature (IFN) e.V. was founded in 1996 by the German veneer industry and its partners. Today it is supported by European companies from the veneer industry, the trade and the veneer processing industry as well as trade associations of the wood industry. The aim of the association is to promote veneer as a natural all-round material.

Further information on the subject of veneer at www.furnier.de oder www.furniergeschichten.de


Images 1 to 3: The Macedonian Philharmonic Hall in Skopje offers a very special look and unique acoustics thanks to the best veneer. Photos: IFN/JAF

August 22, 2022

Images 1 to 3: The Macedonian Philharmonic Hall in Skopje offers a very special look and unique acoustics thanks to the best veneer. Photos: IFN/JAF

Images 1 to 3: The Macedonian Philharmonic Hall in Skopje offers a very special look and unique acoustics thanks to the best veneer. Photos: IFN/JAF

Images 1 to 3: The Macedonian Philharmonic Hall in Skopje offers a very special look and unique acoustics thanks to the best veneer. Photos: IFN/JAF